Motherhood Values
Today I invite you to explore what you value in your own motherhood journey and in your relationship with your children.
When you look back on your life in the future, what qualities would you like to be able to say you embodied as a mom?
Take a minute to think really hard about it before reading further. Maybe write them down.
Here are some examples of things you may have come up with:
- I value grace
- I value peace
- I value being supportive
- I value establishing boundaries
- I value encouraging independence
- I value making sure they are healthy
- I value being kind
- I value being honest with my kids
Now I want you to look at your values you came up with and ask yourself if you are holding true to these values within your relationship with yourself.
Do you give yourself grace when you make a mistake or do you beat yourself up?
Do you make time for some peace, even if only for a few minutes a day?
Are you supportive in the way you talk to yourself, or do you constantly tell yourself what is wrong with you?
Do you have good boundaries in your own relationships?
Do you make time to be an independent person from your children? This will look very different as your children’s dependence on you changes across their developmental lifespan, but it is important across all of them.
Do you value your health?
Are you kind to yourself?
Are you honest with yourself?
Our values do not only pertain to the way we treat others. It starts with ourselves.
Please consider what you need to do to act on your values and start applying them to your relationship with yourself. Start with today and build on it. Slow and steady. One step at a time.
With grace and an acceptance of imperfection.